Charlie Eissa was working long hours and spending his nights watching TV, reading, or listening to the radio. One day he had a terrible headache and decided to go for a walk around town instead of going home. Mr. Eissa walked by an art gallery and saw something that intrigued him so much he went in.
The painting was titled “Stardust” by Scottish artist Nuala McGrail. It is a large-scale abstract work based on her experience of living with cancer and using art as therapy. The painting consists of clusters of dots depicting memories, dreams, hope, fear – both positive and negative moments from her journey through life – all contained within the shape of four stars on against black background surrounded by delicate silver strands like wisps or trails left behind by the ghosts of her past.
Charlie Eissa was not typically an admirer of abstract art or art in general. But something about this painting moved something in him. Charlie found himself wandering through the strokes of paint and only came to his sense when the gallery hostess approached Mr. Eissa to let him know it was nearing time to close.